Featured editor question: Rachel Fudge, Rachel Fudge Editorial Services
“I’m not sure whether to market myself as a specialist or generalist.”
Have you inadvertently developed a specialisation in a particular field? Our featured editor, Rachel, has a particular interest in archaeology and anthropology projects and has done a lot of work in this area. However, she’s open to any kind of copyediting all the same.
She’d like to market her business around this specialty, but feels a fear that this could close herself off from other work.
Getting stuck at this crossroads can stall your marketing efforts – what to put on your website? What content will you use to promote your services?
Unclear messaging can make it hard for potential clients to decide if you’re the editor for them.
In this episode I’ll talk about what it means for your business to be a specialist or generalist and whether niching could be the right decision for you.
If you’re feeling stuck in your business right now, registrations are open for my e-course, “Boost Your Editing Income”. It’s starting on 2 March. Head on over to the course page for more information and to register.
Head to the Podcast page if you’d like to submit your own questions for future episodes.