Episode 45: How can I expand my team and grow my editing business?

Malini DevadasPodcast

How can I expand my team and grow my editing business

Featured editor: CaTyra Polland, Love for Words

CaTyra wants to be earning a full-time income from her editing business. She knows she can’t do it all herself, so she’s brought on a proofreader and a virtual admin assistant to allow more time for her to do editing. But she’s had to turn work away and wants to grow her team so that she’s not the only editor doing the projects.

It’s a big change, and it’s easy to feel worried about the time commitment for recruiting a new team member, how they’ll fit in, how you’ll delegate to them and how clients will react to their work not being personally done by you.

These can all be enough to stop business owners from expanding to create the business they’d dreamed of.

Growing your team is about more than finding a good editor. It’s about finding a fit with the work culture in your business. If you’re feeling uncertain how to proceed, it’s helpful to work through the issues in advance. How can you build trust with a new team member and embed clear communication for a good working relationship? And what if things don’t work out?

Bringing in help should reduce your stress, not add to it. And giving clients assurance of the same high-quality work from your business is important.

If, like CaTyra, your business vision includes building your team and yet you haven’t taken the steps needed to achieve it, this episode might give you the inspiration you need to get on with it and grow your business with confidence.

If you want to get clear on your money, marketing and mindset, check out ‘Boost Your Editing Income’, my e-course and group coaching program.