Featured editor: Kath Kovac
Have you decided to change your editing niche but don’t know how to kick-start the transition?
I’m speaking with Kath Kovac in this week’s episode. Her editing business grew from word of mouth and she’s enjoyed a career in science editing. Having done a few other jobs and realised she’s keen to do more work editing children’s nonfiction books, the thought of re-establishing herself in a new niche is a bit daunting. Where to start?
As freelance editors we get to work on different topics and take up work where our interests, and client opportunities, take us. You might have established your career in one niche and then your interest takes you in another direction.
But making a decision to change your direction doesn’t automatically translate into taking action. We have a habit of throwing up our own roadblocks at important decision-making stages.
Have a listen to today’s episode to learn how to spot and plan around those roadblocks to take the next action step to recharge your editing business.
If you’re feeling stuck in your business right now, why not consider booking in a discovery call with me to see if coaching is right for you.
You can find out more here: https://www.editboost.com/coaching/