Episode 19: Losing some money vs losing the sale

Malini DevadasPodcast

Losing some money vs losing the sale

So often I hear about editors who are underquoting because they are scared of losing the job — I used to do this too.

This is usually deliberate (e.g. shave off a few hours, reduce the rate) and we convince ourselves that the reduction in the price is necessary.

What are the risks? It’s likely you’ll:

  • set client expectations that future jobs are also going to be that low
  • be left working unpaid hours where you could have better-paying work
  • feel tired
  • feel unappreciated
  • feel resentful
  • find it harder to quote more next time

How can you avoid returning to the pattern of agonising over your quotes and reducing your prices?

In this episode, I’ll talk about how using data and work samples helps you set realistic prices.

I encourage you to take the emotion out of quoting so you can feel confident that you’re being paid appropriately.

If you’re feeling stuck in your business right now, why not consider booking in a discovery call with me to see if coaching is right for you.

You can find out more here: https://www.editboost.com/coaching/